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Scared about snakes

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  1. #1
    Contributor Mod
    L'avatar di fbolzicco
    Portogruaro VE/ Los Angeles CA
    Like ricevuti
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2010
    Tartarughe in possesso

    Testudo hermanni boettgeri Geochelone platynota Terrapene ornata leuteula Terrapene ornata
    Altri rettili in possesso

    Uromastyx ornata

    Predefinito Scared about snakes

    "Americans are more terrified of snakes than any other animal," according to a recent survey. In this survey, 21% of respondents voted snakes as the scariest of all animals. So, 1 in 5 people believe snakes are scarier than spiders, sharks, tigers, bears and all other animals. If that number seems high, that would not equate to the percentage of adults who are afraid of snakes, just the percentage that finds snakes the scariest. The number of people with a fear of snakes would be higher. Many publications document Ophidiophobia (abnormal fear of snakes) as more common than Arachnophobia (abnormal fear of spiders). These statistics verify the importance of educating others about snakes. The majority of them are afraid due to lack of knowledge and exposure.

    Statistics and quote via Public Policy Polling

    Hypomelanistic Boa constrictor photo by and © USARK


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    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2022

    Passione per il mondo delle Tartarughe da oltre 20 anni
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