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Testudo hermanni hermanni pura?

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  1. #1
    L'avatar di HermanniHaven
    Like ricevuti
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2014
    Tartarughe in possesso

    Testudo hermanni hermanni, Testudo hermanni boettgeri, Testudo marginata, Testudo ibera, Geochelone platynota, Astrochelys radiata, Gopherus berlandieri, Cuora picturata, Glyptemys insculpta, Emydoidea blandingii, Emys orbicularis, Clemmys guttata, Terrapene carolina carolina, Terrapene carolina major, Manouria emys phayrei, Manouria emys emys

    Predefinito Testudo hermanni hermanni pura?

    Hello, Please forgive my poor translation. I am from the USA. I breed Testudo hermanni hermanni, but I have a couple that are in question. I'm afraid that may be hybrids. There are 3 females. They came to the U.S. in 1990 from Tuscany as sub-adults. I label each photo according to the specific question tortoiseshell. If anyone can help me to decide whether they are pure or if they are hybrids, I'll be very grateful. Thanks! 3 All females are in the range of 16 cm.

    Hermanni # 1: 4 claws on each front foot. The stripes on the plastron are broken. The cheek stain is faded yellow. There's a lot of black pigment on both sides of the gulars.
    Hermanni # 2: 4 claws on each front foot. The stripes on the plastron are broken. The cheek stain is faded yellow. The V-4 is missing a dark spot.
    Hermanni # 3: 5 claws on each front foot. The stripes on the plastron are broken and are thin. The V-4 is missing a dark spot.

    Hermanni # 1: 4 claws on each front foot. The stripes on the plastron are broken. The cheek stain is faded yellow. There's a lot of black pigment on both sides of the gulars.

    Hermanni # 2: 4 claws on each front foot. The stripes on the plastron are broken. The cheek stain is faded yellow. The V-4 is missing a dark spot.

    Hermanni # 3: 5 claws on each front foot. The stripes on the plastron are broken and are thin. The V-4 is missing a dark spot.

  2. Sponsor
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2022

    Passione per il mondo delle Tartarughe da oltre 20 anni
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