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New ferox mansion and a look at the new systems.

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  1. #1
    L'avatar di Gerards
    Like ricevuti
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2013
    Tartarughe in possesso

    Albinos and Softshells

    Predefinito New ferox mansion and a look at the new systems.

    We are putting in 12 new 600 gallon enclosures for our holdback that have reached the age of living outside from now on. We also put a 3000 gallon poly in for my favorite turtle, our big female albino Apalone ferox, albino. She is my all time favorite animal, very big, very beautiful, and very understanding when it comes to me sharing space with her. I can't wait to finish the land/nesting area and get this thing filed all the way. I have the GoPro ready to go swimming with her and get some awesome underwater video with her. I love living in Florida, it's never to cold to go swimming.

    Please vote for us at the TRR Chelonia breeder of the year. My name is Gerard Siatkowski and I would love your help. You can vote everyday and please share this with you FB friends. I really want this!2013 | The Reptile Report

    Then I had to get her out of her old pond and move her into a temporary enclosure. She is so amazing, I can't wait until it's all finished and filled all the way up. We are going to start building the nesting site next and a shallow water resting area, then it's in we go.

    Committed to turtles, 100%
    Please like and share our efforts at

  2. Sponsor
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2022

    Passione per il mondo delle Tartarughe da oltre 20 anni
    Allevamento e prodotti per la cura di altissima qualità

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