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Sulcata hatchlings

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  1. #1
    L'avatar di Gerards
    Like ricevuti
    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2013
    Tartarughe in possesso

    Albinos and Softshells

    Predefinito Sulcata hatchlings

    just picked up my 4 new hatchling sulcatas, they're pretty amazing. Im still in shock at how cool the look in person. I cannot wait to see them grow.

    Please don't forget to vote for us at the TRR, amphibian image, turtle image, and Chelonia breeder of the year. I do not use facebook and would appreciate any help you can lend me by sharing the link with all your friends. Thanks so much, happy holiday to you all! i | The Reptile Report

    Committed to turtles, 100%
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  2. Sponsor
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2022

    Passione per il mondo delle Tartarughe da oltre 20 anni
    Allevamento e prodotti per la cura di altissima qualità

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