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Varanus bitatawa - golden spotted monitor

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  1. #1
    Contributor Mod
    L'avatar di fbolzicco
    Portogruaro VE/ Los Angeles CA
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    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2010
    Tartarughe in possesso

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    Predefinito Varanus bitatawa - golden spotted monitor

    Discovered in 2010, the Sierra Madre Forest monitor (Varanus bitatawa), or Golden Spotted monitor, reaches 6.5' in length. This frugivorous (fruit-eating) monitor lizard is found in the Northern Sierra MadreForest on Luzon Island in the Philippines. Weighing only 22 pounds, this species is brightly colored with stripes of gold flecks. Its scaly body and legs are a blue-black mottled with pale yellow-green dots and its tail is marked in alternating segments of black and green. This lizard spends most of its time in trees and has become a flagship species for conservation in the Philippines.

    Image by A. C. Diesmos and info via#

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    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2022

    Passione per il mondo delle Tartarughe da oltre 20 anni
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