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Diagnosis and treatment of a Testudo hermanni boettgeri suffering from malabsorption

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  1. #1
    Contributor Mod
    L'avatar di Ugo
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    Data Registrazione
    Aug 2012
    Tartarughe in possesso

    1.2.0 Testudo Hermanni Boettgeri
    Altri rettili in possesso

    0.1.3 Pogona Vitticeps

    Edit Diagnosis and treatment of a Testudo hermanni boettgeri suffering from malabsorption

    Hi everybody.

    Starting today, it is avaiable a new article on the forum, dedicated to the diagnosis and the treatment of a Testudo hermanni boettgeri suffering from malabsorption.

    You can find the english version of this article here:

    Tartarugando - Diagnosis and treatment of a Testudo hermanni boettgeri suffering from malabsorption

    Hope you'll enjoy.



    1) No names or doses are mentioned, this is meant to preserve our animals from self-made diagnosis or worse, self-made therapies.

    2) The same article is avaiable in Italian. You can reach it by clicking on the following link:

  2. Sponsor
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2022

    Passione per il mondo delle Tartarughe da oltre 20 anni
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