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  • Uromastyx ornata

    Uromastyx ornata, also known as the Egyptian dabb lizard or ornate spiny-tailed lizard, is a popular species of lizard native to North Africa and the Middle East. It's one of the numerous Uromastyx species.
    It is fairly common and requested in the pet trade, being herbivorous and with a medium size body and beautiful coloration and personality, is between my favorite animals to keep.
    With proper care, they can thrive in captivity, making them a rewarding pet for mid-level experienced reptile enthusiasts.



    • Provide a well-ventilated, secure enclosure with a minimum size of 2x3x4 feet (60x90x120 cm) for a single adult. Cohabit is generally not advised, but 1 pair seems do be fine as long as can be separated during when the animals seem more stressed.

    • The Best and natural substrate is made of playsand, gravel, rocks and branches since this species loves to climb

    • Include multiple hides, the animal will be more calm and confident knowing that he has several hides to run in case things get dangerous.

    • Temperature gradient: 75-95°F (24-35°C) with a basking spot of 120-130°F (45-50°C).


    Heating and Lighting

    • Use a combination of heat lamps, high-quality UVB light source (15% UVB) for 10-12 hours a day, and light bulbs to achieve perfect gradient of brightness and different heat and humidity zones (a white pvc enclosure will be much warmer and brighter, ideal for this species).

    • Replace UVB lights every 6-8 months, as their effectiveness decreases over time.

    • Provide a photoperiod of 10-12 hours of light and 12-14 hours of darkness during the summer and slower decrease photoperiod as winter approach



    • Uromastyx ornata are herbivores. Feed a varied diet of:
    - Dark leafy greens (collard greens, kale, mustard greens)
    - Fresh vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, squash)
    - Fresh wild weeds and flowers, can be collected in any pesticide free garden.

    • Avoid animal protein, high-protein foods, commercial pellets and foods high in oxalates (e.g., spinach, beet greens).

    • Supplement with calcium and vitamin D3 powders 2-3 times a week, a fiber-rich supplement might also be necessary when feeding a lot of store-bought vegetbles


    • If diet is correct, drinking water is not necessary, avoiding the risk of high humidity with is detrimental for this species and all Uromastyx in general.

    • Increase hydration during shedding or breeding seasons providing a container with wet play sand.

    Health and Maintenance

    • Monitor temperature, humidity, and lighting regularly.

    • Clean the enclosure regularly, removing feces and uneaten food.

    • Check for signs of illness: lethargy, loss of appetite, changes in stool or urates..

    • Schedule annual veterinary check-ups.

    Sexing your Uromastyx

    In adult specimens sexing is very easy, male are very colorful in the blue and green tones, with yellow horizontal stripes on their back and with very pronunciated, waxy femoral pores, while females are generally in the brown tones, with some still very colorful.


    • Uromastyx ornata can be tame, but handling should be limited to animals that allow it and never forced, easy to establish connection and approach if offering food.

    • Handle gently and briefly, supporting the body and tail.

    • Avoid handling during shedding, breeding, or stress periods.


    Specific Needs

    • Brumation: Uromastyx ornata require a 2-3 month cooling period (60-75°F, 15-24°C) during winter to induce dormancy, where also light hours during the day will be reduced to 8-10 since breeding requires a specific temperature and lighting regimen, and should only be attempted by experienced breeders.

    Life Expectancy

    • 15-20 years in captivity.

    Important Notes

    • Research local laws and regulations before purchasing a Uromastyx ornata.

    • Consult with experienced keepers and veterinarians for personalized advice.

    • Always prioritize the animal's welfare and safety.

    By following this care sheet, you can provide a happy, healthy environment for your Uromastyx ornata. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in reptile care.

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